Who Can Benefit From This Experience?

Whether it's challenging to find time for yourself, or you have practices you would like to deepen in your practices, there is something powerful here for you.

  • Doctors & Health Care Providers of all kinds

  • Preserve and restore your passion for meaningful service

  • Pre-Med Students

  • Set yourself up for success!

  • Those Seeking Growth and Healing

  • Strenthen your neuroendorine and musculoskeletal systems

  • Explore new pathways to heal fatigue, physical and emotional injuries, and sensitivities.

  • Discover who you are and what you love

The principles of Osteopathic Medicine reveal the path of least resistance. You CAN enjoy a full and busy life when you know how to . . .

  • Heal your body while you increase balance and tone

  • Create a harmonious relationship with medicine

  • Build energy, empathy, creativity and passion

  • Create ease in communication with others

  • Remain deeply calm when under duress

  • Experience more flow, ease and grace

Course curriculum

    1. 🌀 Welcome to the "Principles & Practice of Osteopathic Self Care", and the Cultivating Resilience Community Healing & Learning Space!

    2. 🧘‍♀️ About Your Course Holder

    3. 🎥 Video Preview: Start Learning!

    4. 🗓 The "Itinerary" (Course Schedule)

    5. 🙏🏽 Healing Practice & Sharing Lab (details on our Saturday gatherings)

    6. 🧹 HOUSEKEEPING: YouTube Playlist of Recordings, Info on CME, & the Community Space!

    7. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 Community Posting Space — Please Share Questions, Thoughts & Resources!

    8. ✏️ Slides — Workbook for note taking

    9. 💺 THE Must Have "Flow Cushion" & "Flow Stool" — I've tried them all!

    10. 💡 "Iris" Blue-light Blocking Technologies — Protect Your Nervous System After Sundown

    11. ⭐ Spoof Names — Got One? Let's play a game, and celebrate where we are!

    12. 🎥 Video (25 min): In Preparation for Class: "The Power of Listening" with Lee Glickstein

    13. 🐒 The "Bare Bones" of Natural Sitting — Freeing Up the Midline to Support Full Body Breath and Flow!

    14. 📚 Optional "Text Books" for Class — Engaging the Movement of Life, and Dr. Fulford's Touch of Life

    15. 🔁 Video Replay 🔁 | Community Gathering | COURSE INTRO

    16. ⛹️‍♀️ It's All About Play! Neuroscientists and Educators Continue to Confirm the Primacy of Play & Connection to Growth and Learning.

    17. 🧋Pearls — Review of Themes

    18. 🤔 Quiz —- Course Overview

    19. 🙆‍♂️ Time for a Stretch!

    1. 🎥 Video (49 min): 1000 Years of Osteopathy — an Interview with Eliott Blackman, DO

    2. 🔁 Video Replay 🔁 | Community Gathering | PERCEPTION 1

    3. 📣 Mentioned in Class: "The Inner Smile" — by Taoist Master Teacher Mantak Chia

    4. 🗣 Interview with Trauma Therapist Resmaa Menakem —“My Grandmother's Hands”

    5. 🧋 Pearls — Review of Themes

    6. 🤔 Quiz — Perception 1

    7. 🙆‍♀️ Time for a Stretch!

    1. 🧘‍♀️ What is Healing Practice Lab? Who can attend? + Zoom Link! (Same link)

    2. 🔁 Video Replay 🔁 | Community Gathering | HEALING PRACTICE & SHARING LAB

    3. 🙏🏽 Poem: there is Power in Darkness

    1. 🎥 Video (15 min): "Holding Stillness" – the Key to Public Speaking with Ease

    2. 📖 Suggested Reading: Entrainment and the Cranial Rhythmic Impulse, J. McPartland, DO, E. Mein, MD

    3. 🔁 Video Replay 🔁 | Community Gathering | PERCEPTION 2

    4. 🧋Pearls — Review of Themes

    5. 🤔 Quiz — Perception 2

    6. 🙆‍♀️ Time for a Stretch!

    1. 🎥 Video (3 min): Full Body Breathing — "La Respiration Totale", Roger Fiametti, DO (Belgium)

    2. 😫 Video (12 min): Low Back Pain as a Function of Midline Integrity & Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) Balance

    3. 🌊 Video (6 min): Intrinsic Movement — Continuum Movement (We are More Verb than Noun!)

    4. 🔁 Video Replay 🔁 | Community Gathering | CONSCIOUS, DYNAMIC STATES 1

    5. 🩺 Andrew Taylor Still, Frontier Physician and Founder of Osteopathy was a fan of traction!

    6. 📃 Natural Sitting for Workstation, Couch, Bed & Car

    7. 🧋Pearls — Review of Course Themes

    8. 🤔 Quiz — The Impact of Conscious Dynamic States of Physiology 1

    9. 🙆‍♂️ Time for a Stretch!

    1. 🎥 Video (5min) — the Vibration of Listening, the Vast Stillness

    2. 📐 Invoking the Coordinates to Arrive in Present Time & Space

    3. 🔁 Video Replay 🔁 | Community Gathering | HEALING PRACTICE & SHARING LAB

    4. 🖋 The End of Suffering

About this course:

  • $595.00
  • 122 lessons
  • 28.5 hours of video content

Provide meaningful service in the world a way that nourishes you!

Join us as we discover the path of least resistance TOGETHER.

  • Professional Growth

    Prepare for or continue your medical education. CME credits are available for DOs and MDs graduates.

  • Holistic Healing

    Become practiced at efficient, enjoyable ways to prevent and heal trauma of all kinds.

  • Enhanced Patient Care

    We are all patients! Learn effortless ways to inspire and empower the people you teach and care for.

  • Personal Well-Being

    Expand your energy, lower your stress, connect with your purpose and rediscover joy in your work.

  • Receive Support

    We are tribal beings that are wired to support one another and heal in resonant connection.

Who Can Receive CME

33 Units Category 1-A AOA/AMA CME Credits

  • Osteopathic Physicians (DOs)

  • Allopathic Physicians (MDs)

  • Masters in Family Therapy (MFT) anticipated

  • Nurses in California anticipated

Wonderful Reflections from the Flow is Medicine Community. . .

Ann Priest, DO

Osteopathic Physician

“It had been a very full, fast day for me and I was looking forward to resting and returning "home" but wasn't sure how long my system would take to come back. As soon as I was on the call I just dropped right in, in a big way. I felt myself being pulled deeper and deeper into myself — I didn't want to move. At a point a thought came, "am I sleeping?" :-) Then, Ahhhh no, the meeting place. So good.”

Eliott Blackman, DO

Osteopathic Physician affiliate of California Pacific Medical Center and Sonoma Valley Hospital

“This course is highly worthwhile . . . very useful teachings to work within ourselves, integrate and then offer to patients. A very good use of time.”

Valerie Andrews

Author and Filmmaker

“I felt I got a kind of a purification of all the years of dealing with traditional Western Medicine. Being a part of this group was like entering one vast healing ocean. Here's what happened for me. I started with a huge amount of tension across my back. Went into awareness with my sitting, then my breathing, then feet, then my hydration… by the end of this session my right shoulder had completely released (and that's my bad one), my breathing had deepened across my back, and a tremor in my right hand disappeared. Lovely work. A seminar in authentic being... a beautiful experience of healing/entrainment, and we're just getting started.”

Stacia Kenet, MD

“I woke up in the morning with a headache and very low energy. Michelle started class with a body scan, directing us to open our attention to our back body, which we generally ignore. I imagined through her direction that I could feel and see behind me, extending my energy into the space behind my body. Suddenly I started having wave like energy moving up and down my spine. My headache immediately went away. My ankles start rotating spontaneously and then my wrists. My hips, which are usually very tight, opened up and I was able to move fluidly in my whole body. It was a dramatic visceral experience in self osteopathy. I am so grateful for Michelle holding the energy and giving the guidance which facilitated this learning. She is a true master in her work!”Stacia Kenet, MD

Avon Manney, DO, MS

Osteopathic Physician

“As a physician and teacher, she embodies how to be present in one's embodied experience.”Avon Manney, DO, MS

Dawn Cieplensky, DO

Assistant Professor, New York College of Osteopathic Medicine, NYIT

“Dr. Veneziano is transforming the patient-doctor relationship. She brings us innovative approaches to medical education and healing, and is catalytic in helping us reconnect to our Health and Joy within.”

James Jealous, DOOsteopathic Physician, founder and director of the Biodynamics of Osteopathy

“Michelle is a formidable force for tremendous good in the osteopathic profession, and in the world.”

Anne Mason


“After Dr. Veneziano walked our class through a 5-minute exercise to get into the Flow State, I suddenly felt as if I had just come out of an extraordinarily healing, hour-long osteopathic treatment. My body and mind felt great—balanced, energized, free of aches and pain. Dr. Veneziano’s vast experience and deep wisdom—and her ability to communicate this so succinctly—will gift a transformative power to anyone who experiences her teachings. She is teaching us how to be our own osteopaths! And in so doing, she is providing us with the toolkit to heal ourselves in every way imaginable.”

Ozge Kemik


“When class started I was tired and achy and it was really hard to pay attention. So I just rested. About a half hour in, as I listened out of the corner of my ear, my energy came back and I had no pain. This was really amazing, since I wasn’t trying to do anything. I felt good til then next day when I slowly started to ache again. I understand it takes time to "train our nervous system to hold coherence.” I’m really looking forward to the next class and I’m so glad we have many weekly sessions to go.”

J. Kevin Beckman, DO

Osteopathic Physician

“When I came home from our first class which I did from my exam room, because it was such a busy week, I was more relaxed and smiling, it was noticeable. My family asked why and I said that I stopped, breathed and felt my surfaces, and it completely brought me to a better state of mind. My daughter who went to Johns Hopkins also loves hearing anything interesting about her school, and she was way into the heart beat at 22ft.”

Participants receive . . .

  • A 13 module self paced training with 40 hours of videos, articles and studies

  • 12 weeks of Healing Practice Lab LIVE on Zoom Saturdays, 11am - 12:30pm Pacific Time

  • physicians can receive 33 1-A AOA and AMA continuing education credits

  • A 30-minute private Zoom call with Dr. Veneziano

  • All participants receive a printable certificate

  • The option to join the Alumni group ongoing

We Hope You Join Us

We're Holding Space for Your Emerging Glow and Flow!

The Flow is Medicine Learning Space is . . .

The Flow is Medicine Learning Space is a gentle dive into the experiential and physiologic fundamentals of the energetic, neuroendocrine musculoskeletal systems of the body.

We call this the "Feel over Formula" space. True learning and healing come through the guidance of the body, and powerful evolution takes place when our bodies guide our minds.

You can take as much time as you like — a lifetime if you want —deepening your reception of the self paced portion of the program.

Each week we join in a live, guided group healing experience to learn to invite shifts in physical and energetic patterns, grow our evolving skills, and then speak to what arises. This is a refreshing way to receive and embody the principles of osteopathic medicine.

Our live, communal "Healing Practice Lab" is a place to practice in the moment, of the moment, at the ever changing the tempo of our bodies and the shared space. These gatherings are fun, supportive, and optional! We meet every Saturdays 11-12:30am pacific. For many, this is a time of deep learning, and of deep personal healing.

I receive so much from these gatherings. I really notice the difference on the rare occasions that we skip a week!

Many people in our community share that they receive powerful healing from replays alone..

Together, we harness the power of coherence, resonance, and community to strengthen our physiology and expand our capacity to serve in the world in a way that nourishes us.

What is genuinely special about this experience?

Together, we . . .

  • Build coherence in each moment, even during slides & academic topics

  • Awaken our skills for tracking subtle changes in bodies and the shared space

  • Learn that collective resonance is how we shift deep, old patterns safely and quickly

  • Harness the power of resonant connection to strengthen our physiology

  • Build “fitness" for remaining congruent and connected to our hearts

  • Strengthen our boundaries and capacity to serve in balance

  • Heal and learn simultaneously, as nature intended

Osteopathy and nature have shown me that caring for ourselves is as simple and pleasurable as returning to natural ways of being, and that we’re already experts.

In this space, we are suppored as we expand our well-being, amplify our power, and create more joy and fulfillment in our lives and in our work.

Through aligning with nature and the principles of osteopathy, I have healed multiple physical and emotional injuries and recovered from chronic fatigue and food and chemical sensitivities. I have also rediscovered passion and purpose.

Dr. Michelle Veneziano

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

I'm a family physician, intuitive, and adjunct clinical faculty at Touro & Western Universities in Northern California.

My approach to osteopathic medicine is rooted in Cranial Osteopathy, a hands-on, evidence-based therapeutic practice that sources both western & eastern philosophies to support the body’s ability to heal itself.

I share practices and insights for living in alignment with nature, awakening the healer that resides within each of us, and for connecting with who we really are.

Join Dr. Michelle Veneziano and the Flow is Medicine Community

for a deep, pleasurable dive into the foundational principles of osteopathic medicine